The first mention of a Silkie is in the 13th century when Marco Polo wrote about a “furry” chicken during his travels to Asia. Named for their plumage, which is said to feel like silk or satin, this bird has quickly become a favourite among chicken owners.
Kept predominantly as a pet, the Silkie is also very good as a pest control operative in the garden. With their small size and feathered feet, they will do very little damage to your veggies.
Silkies will start to lay at around 6 months and are very likely to go broody, happily stealing eggs from other hens to sit on. They will also make excellent mothers. You can expect about 80-120 small cream eggs from them per year.

Their walnut combs and wattles should be a dark mulberry with black skin and turquoise earlobes. Their feet should be feathered, and they should have 5 toes per foot. You can get Silkies in most colours with the most popular being white, black and brown.
Considered by many to be the friendliest chicken out there, they are happy to be petted and cuddled – they are great lap warmers on frosty mornings! As a friendly, docile breed they are one of the top recommendations for families with young children.
They are content when confined but will also make great foragers when left to free range. They handle cold well but can suffer if they get wet and will need to be dried.
Livingseeds Hatchery currently supplies Partridge Silkies.