Livingseeds Cinnamints are a globally unique sex-linked hybrid that the Livingseeds Hatchery has created. Like Tequilla only comes from Mexico, Champagne only comes from Champagne (France): The Livingseeds Cinnamint only comes from the Livingseeds Hatchery.
This incredible new hybrid is sex-linked enabling Livingseeds Hatchery to GUARANTEE that each and every Livingseeds Cinnamint supplied is a female. If there is ever a mistake due to our error (highly unlikely), we’ll replace the bird!
These birds have the appearance of an Easter Egger in terms of their beards, muff and combs, yet with a body size that puts most Easter Egger hens to shame. They have primarily Bay to Cinnamon coloured feathers, a dove grey necklace with grey/cream in their undercarriage. Their legs are usually horn-pink. These birds are a hybrid rather than a heritage breed and due to genetic diversity, they should each have a unique and beautiful look about them. Notwithstanding the subtle variations bird to bird, the Livingseeds Cinnamint should have muff and a beard, as well as an overall colour between Gold and Red.
Livingseeds Cinnamints typically start laying at around 6 months old and lay around 250 medium – large, coloured eggs per year. As an Easter Egger you never know exactly what colour of egg a pullet will produce, but so far, they all fall in the spectrum between Turquoise and Khaki. Livingseeds Cinnamints tend to go broody, though not as often or consistently as other breeds.
Our trial batch of Livingseeds Cinnamints have proven easy to tame and train by means of the Livingseeds Hatchery “Scratch Mix” and come running at the sound of our whistle. They are docile, not hostile to other flock members and have not displayed any aggression – we expect that they will be good for families with small children.