The Potchefstroom Koekoek is an excellent, low maintenance, dual-purpose breed that originates in South Africa. Bred as a local hybrid in Potchefstroom in the 1960s by the Potchefstroom Agricultural College, the Koekoek is made up of 3 distinct breeds: the Black Australorp, White Leghorn and the Barred Plymouth Rock. Selections were made for productivity, feed efficiency, maturation times, hardiness and auto-sexing – a highly desirable trait enabling easier, reliable sexing of day-old chicks.
A firm favourite, Koekoeks have been kept and bred on the Livingseeds farm for over 18 years. Since before there was a “Livingseeds” in fact. We are constantly improving our existing lines for all of our breeds and the Koekoek is no different, we love the size and nature of these incredible heritage birds.
Their plumage should be black and white barred, legs should be yellow and single comb and wattles red. Koekoeks are sexable soon after hatching as they have distinctive sex markings.
The Koekoek goes broody quite readily and will make a great mother to new chicks – an ideal trait to consider for the self-sufficient homesteader. They love free ranging but will do well in confinement. Potch Koekoeks can be quite noisy but will make up for it with consistent egg laying and a winning personality. They are quite curious and generally friendly, if time is spent with them, they will run around your garden/farm unafraid of humans or animals.
Pullets start laying from around 5 months giving you up to 200 medium sized brown eggs per year.