The Wyandotte is a striking breed available in many colours. It was bred in the USA for its beauty, meat and eggs and has become popular worldwide. Named for the indigenous Wyandot people of North America, the Wyandotte is a dual-purpose breed.
Wyandottes will start laying at around 5-6 months of age and will give about 200 large light-brown eggs per year. They are good brooders and will try to steal eggs from other hens to sit on much like the silkies do.
They should have a red rose comb, red wattles and yellow skin. Of the 18 recognised colour varieties, most boast a lacing on the feathers. Popular colours include Columbian, golden laced, silver laced, partridge, silver pencilled, black, blue, buff, and white. Their profusion of feathers and their rose comb make them very hardy to cold conditions and less susceptible to frostbite on their combs.

Wyandottes are docile birds that enjoy free ranging and will do well in confinement although a pen with a run is best. They are remarkably calm and friendly making them a good choice for a family with small children.
Livingseeds Hatchery currently supplies Silver Laced and Gold Laced Wyandottes.