The White Leghorn originated in Tuscany and though the exact date is unclear it was first exported in the early 1800s. Recognised as one of the best heritage layers, they will produce about 280 – 300 large white eggs per year.
They can be very flighty birds which makes them less likely to be preyed upon. Leghorns enjoy roosting in trees and are good flyers.
They will generally start laying at around 4.5 months and are not considered to be overly broody.
The White Leghorn has a red single cob that should flop over on the hens as well as red wattles. Their legs should be yellow and earlobes the colour of their eggs, which in this case is white.
Very active and intelligent birds, they get bored easily especially if confined. This can lead to pecking and bullying of other more submissive birds. Chicken toys and treats will keep them happy and occupied if you do find them getting bored.
Excellent foragers that free range very well, the Leghorns are quite a noisy breed however toys will help with that as well!
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2 responses to “White Leghorn”
How does your orders work?
Delivery (Koffiefontein Free State)
Thank you
Hi Venessa,
Orders can be placed through our Whatsapp on 082 819 0641 or email
Our White Leghorns start at R15 per fertile egg or R30 per day old chick and go up from there.
We can currently ship fertile eggs countrywide or day old chicks to select areas as well as birds over 10 weeks old.
We do not have a minimum order quantity.
I look forward to hearing from you.
The Livingseeds Hatchery