Buff Orpington

The Buff Orpington is a favorite amongst chicken lovers with it’s fluffy feathers and friendly personality. Bred in 1886 by William Cook as a dual-purpose breed, the Orpington was originally black in colour to help hide the soot and dirt in London.

As it quickly gained popularity other colours were introduced with the original four being black, buff, blue and splash. The Buff Orpington quickly gained favor and is said to have been the favorite of Queen Elizabeth.

Starting to lay at around 5-6 months, they go broody readily and make great mothers! You can expect around 200 eggs from them per year.

Buff Orpingtons have a red single comb, as well as red wattles and earlobes. Their feathers should be yellow/gold and legs and beaks should be a pinkish white. With amber coloured eyes and a heavy broad body covered in fluffed out feathers we can see why this bird caught the eye!

These birds love cuddles and are incredibly friendly. Due t their docile nature they tend to fall at the bottom of the pecking order when housed with more aggressive breeds. They can lean towards laziness if they do not have space to exercise so a larger coop will do them good. We have found that they prefer nesting boxes and housing closer to the ground and they do not enjoy roosting high up, this might differ from bird to bird.

Roosters have been known to take a turn sitting on the nest to give their hens a break, although we have not experienced this ourselves.

If you are looking for a great breed for children the Buff Orpington might just be your chicken! They are quite patient and curious and one of the quietest layers, making them perfect for a townhouse.

Our Buffs are fast sellers and we are currently booked out. We will only have chicks available again in Spring 2022.

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9 responses to “Buff Orpington”

    • Hi there,

      We currently have waiting lists for those breeds.
      Indian Runner ducks will only be available again once their breeding season starts.

      If you would like to be added to our waiting list please send through an email with your details to cluckit@livingseedshatchery.co.za

      Kind regards,

      The Hatchery Team

  1. How much do you sell your buff orpinton chicks, and how do one make an order, and for how many( minimum ). Do you have male mature ones

    • Hi Antony,

      We are currently booked out unfortunately however we do have a waiting list going for the breed.

      Kind regards

      The Livingseeds Hatchery Team

  2. Good day!
    Kindly put my name on the waiting list for Buff Orpingtons.

    Kind regards

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